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首页 > 供应产品 > 美国US蓄电池US 250 XC2洗地机 高空作业升降平台6V255AH电瓶
美国US蓄电池US 250 XC2洗地机 高空作业升降平台6V255AH电瓶
单价 1000.00 / 只对比
销量 暂无
浏览 524
发货 北京
库存 2000只起订1只
品牌 US蓄电池
过期 长期有效
更新 2023-09-21 11:13
品牌 : US蓄电池 型号 : US 250 XC2
化学类型 : 铅酸蓄电池 电压 : 6V
类型 : 动力型蓄电池 荷电状态 : 免维护蓄电池
电池盖和排气拴结构 : 阀控式密闭蓄电池 额定容量 : 255AH
产品认证 : ce 适用范围 : ups蓄电池

美国US蓄电池US 2200 XC2电动高空作业台6V232AH免维护ups电源



美国US BATTERY蓄电池US 31DC XC2清洁设备登高车12V130AH电池

· 动力电池

· 6v系列

· 8v系列

· 12v系列


高尔夫球车、地板清洁机、升降机和通道、船舶、房车、太阳能系统电池运用于高尔夫球车、公共车辆、垛板叉车、洗地机、杠杆式升降机、新能源、应急灯、休闲型车、电动车、商用卡车等。Diamond plate Diamond platete chnology: the improved lead paste formula prolongs the battery life and improves the battery charging capacity. The special alloy plate is thin, which greatly reduces the corrosion, vulcanization and water loss of the plate ring, and prolongs the battery life by 15-20%

The advanced plate curing process of the crystal mirror is the key to prolong the service life of the battery, ensuring the stability of the plate structure and the rich and solid attachment of the plate barrel. The connected screw phase can effectively prevent the acid overflow of the battery in the moving process, and the connecting structure can remove three nuts at the same time to play a more efficient role in operation

"The industry's thickest electrode plate is adopted to ensure longer service life of the battery, more electrolyte, shorter and more shaped electrode plate saves more electrolyte, prolongs the cycle of adding water to the battery, and convenient handle: installation and replacement are more convenient, easy and safe

· 电板 polar plate ; counter electrode

· 使用寿命 active life ; operation life ; service life

· 电解液 electrolyte

· 保存 preserve ; keep ; conserve ; hold

· 延长 lengthen ; extend ; prolong ; prolongate

· 加水 ball ; with water ; watering ; Add Water

· 便利 convenient ; easy ; for the convenience of ; facilitate

· 提手 handle

· 更换 renewal ; change ; replace ; transposing

· 便捷 convenient ; Convenient ; Convenience ; convenient and fast






美国100DIN XC2产品名称:美国100DIN XC2电压:6伏深循环 - 清扫器,多用途数据:20小时率:247 分钟放电@ 75安培:放电135 分钟@ 25安培:高尔夫球车、地板清洁机、升降机和通道、船舶、房车、太阳能系统