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首页 > 供应产品 > 销售安捷伦N3300A Agilent直流电子负载38A
销售安捷伦N3300A Agilent直流电子负载38A
单价 3000.00 / 台对比
销量 暂无
浏览 315
发货 北京
库存 3台起订1台
品牌 Agilent/安捷伦
过期 长期有效
更新 2023-09-10 10:39
产品特性 : 中型 是否进口 :
产地 : 美国 加工定制 :
品牌 : Agilent/安捷伦 型号 : N3300A
订货号 : 10 货号 : 20
测量范围 : 65 测量精度 : 16
产品用途 : 8 是否跨境货源 :

·工作范围:100 -  250 VAC,48 -  63赫兹
·输入电流:4.2 A 100  - 127 VAC,2.2 A 200 -  250 VAC
·输入VA:440 VA
·突波电流:38 A
· 0 C至55 C


Agilent N3300A
1800 Watt DC Electronic Load Mainframe

Agilent N3300A is a full-rack width mainframe with 6-slots that accepts combinations of N330x user-installable load modules (150 W to 600 W) for easy system configuration and future reconfiguration. The N3300A holds up to six N3302A, N3303A, N3304A, and N3307A load modules, or up to three N3305A and N3306A load modules, allowing up to 1,800 watts of total maximum power.

A single GPIB address is all you need for complete control and read-back of all load modules within a single N3300A mainframe. The N330xA Series of DC electronic loads provides fast operation and the accurate programming and read-back needed for high-volume DC power supply test systems.

* Input Ratings
o Operating range: 100 - 250 Vac; 48 - 63 Hz
o Input Current: 4.2 A @ 100 - 127 Vac; 2.2 A @ 200 - 250 Vac
o Input VA: 440 VA
o Inrush Current: 38 A
* Operating Temperature Range
o 0 C to 55 C