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  • 浙江新博阀门有限公司



      企业会员 | 第1
    • 注册资本:未填写
    • 公司类型:企业单位
    • 成立时间:
    • 所在地区:浙江 温州市
企业会员 | 第1
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公司名称 浙江新博阀门有限公司
资料认证 企业资料未认证
保 证 金 ¥0.00
公司类型 企业单位 ()
所 在 地 浙江/温州市
公司规模 50 人
注册资本 未填写
经营范围 刀闸阀,锻钢闸截止,电动刀闸阀,,渠道闸门,,伞齿轮刀闸阀,链轮刀闸阀,陶瓷阀,附壁闸门
主营行业 工业自动化 / 编码器    
浙江新博阀门有限公司位于闻名全国的泵阀之乡-瓯北镇。是一家专业制造刀闸阀,陶瓷阀,锻钢阀,浆液阀 f非标闸门定制 的厂家。我公司采用计算机辅助设计和管理,严格按照ISO9001国际质量体系标准设计制造。本公司致力科技不断创新,努力开发新产品,能按照API,NF,DIN,BS,JIS等国外先进标准尺寸生产,产品主体材料采用铸铁,铁,铸钢,碳钢,不锈钢(316,304,2520))等,驱动形式有手动,齿轮传动,电动,气动和液动等。阀门规格从50MM-1600MM及1/2”-24“,工作压力从0.6MPA-2.5MPA及150LB,工作温度80度过900度。多年来产品广泛应用于石化,纸业,煤浆,污水,石油,碱业,医药等大型企业,深受广大客商的信赖和好评。 诚信为本,是我们一直为之奋斗的目标。我们将不断改造公司的软,硬设施,崇尚企业文化,倡导以人为本,坚持诚实守信,规模扩张,着力打造品牌战略,努力创造完善的服务,与您携手合作,共创美好的明天。 Yongjia Xinbo Valve Co,Ltd,located in the well-know hometownof pump valves-Ocbei Town,is a factory which specializes in manufacturingsluice valve,ceramic valve,forging steel valve and slurry valve.Our company adoopts computer aided design and management and strictly conforms to ISO9001 international quality system.Our company is engaged in continuous innovation of technologies and spares no efforts to develop new products.It can produce according to foreign advanced standard sizes like API,NF,DIN BS,JIS.Host materials of our products adopt cast iron,iron,cast steel,carbon steel,stainlesssteel(316,304,2520),etc,driving modes are manual operation,gear drive,motor-driven,pneumatic,hydraulic drive,valve specification:50MM-1600MM and 1/2"-24",working pressure:0.6MPA-2.5MPA and 150LB,operating temperature:80℃-900℃.For many years,they have been widely applied to petrochemistry,paper industry,coal slurry,sewage,petroleum,soda industry,medicine,etc,and have won trust and good reputation from many businessmen. “Quality first and integrity based”has always been our target that we are strivingfor.we will continuously improve hardware and software facilities uphold enterprise culture,advocate“people oriented,stick tohonesty and trustworthiness”put efforts in creating brand strategy,and endeavor to create first-class technology,remarkable quality and erfect service.It will cooperate with you to iointly create a bright future.

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