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首页 > 供应产品 > 低价出售租赁美国原装泰克tektronix370B晶体管图示仪
单价 9880.00 / 台对比
销量 暂无
浏览 863
发货 广东深圳市
库存 5台起订1台
品牌 tektronix
过期 长期有效
更新 2023-09-10 10:16
加工定制 : 品牌 : tektronix
型号 : 370B 测量范围 : 1
测量精度 : 2 产品用途 : 示波器

 The 371B, the industry leader in high-power curve tracers, performs DC parametric characterization on a wide variety of power semiconductors including thyristors, SCRs, IGBTs and power MOSFETs. The high-voltage collector mode permits testing the Off-Characteristics of a device up to 3,000 volts. The pulsed high-current collector mode provides output current pulses greater than 400 amps peak to test On-Characteristics and permits high-power testing up to 3,000 watts. In the sweep measurement mode, the 371B automatically constructs a family of curves while stimulating the device with low-duty-cycle pulses. With this capability, power curves can be displayed without excessive heating of the device.

Interactive Programmable Control

Interactive control of all 370B and 371B measurements is accomplished from the full-featured front panel or over the GPIB. Every operating parameter can be controlled using the GPIB controller. 370B and 371B Series LabView drivers are available at the  web site. These drivers have many of the building blocks to create a custom measurement solution.

Store and Recall Setups and Digitized Curves

Up to 80 digitized characteristic curves can be stored on a diskette or in internal non-volatile memory and recalled at the touch of a button. A live curve can then be compared with a previously stored curve to assess temperature drift or other changes in operating parameters. To help identify the data, up to 24 characters of text may be used to label or annotate the curve data.

Operating parameters can be adjusted, stored and recalled using several storage methods including the 370B and 371B system memory, the built-in 1.44 MB floppy drive, or sent externally via the GPIB controller.

Automated Cursor

The 370B and 371B provide three cursor measurement modes. The dot cursor provides direct screen readout of voltage, current, gm or DC beta at any point. The window cursor can be positioned between two curves to measure small signal beta or gm and can also be used for visual go/no-go tests. The function line cursor provides screen readout of a slope or intercept value.

Sweep Measurement Mode

In the sweep measurement mode, the curve tracer automatically constructs a family of curves. The 371B achieves this with low duty-cycle pulses. With this capability, power curves can be displayed without excessive heating of the device.

Direct Hardcopy Printouts

Curve output data can be sent directly from the 370B and 371B to a Citizen iDP-3240thermal printer. Printing can continue while the 370B and 371B perform the next tasks.